Can You Earn Big With Poultry Business


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I do not have any first hand experience with poultry business but I know people who are in this business and they say it is less likely to be in loss if you start the business wisely. It does not take a lot of money to start poultry business if you own land when you can build coop. If you raise chickens for meat, your investment will be comparatively lower compared to raising chickens for egg production. If you are not in the manufacturing or production line in poultry business, you can always start your resell business, you can either retail sale or whole sell.


I had an experience with poultry business, most of the chicks I bought died, I didn't know how to handle them, I just put them out in a cag,e, administer some vaccines and feed them, I didn't know how to manage them, after I lost them, I decided to go for a training on how to rear them.

Currently, I'm trying to get back to the business, it's lucrative if you learn how to manage your chicks till they're ready for a harvest, the ROI is high.