Can You Buy Another Country's Passport?


If you have the finances and you're looking forward to acquire another country's passport, there are some certain requirements you'll have to fulfill, most countries differ in requirements, some are more expensive than others.

An investment of $100K will buy you the passports of many Caribbean countries such as Barbados, Trinidad and Saint Kitts and Nevis, which are visa free to over 180 countries.

If you want a USA passport you'll have to invest $500K into the US market, so it all depends on your finances and what you can afford.


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Keep in mind that even with investments,it will still take at least a couple of months before you can receive your passport. So,you cant just instantly buy a passport regardless of how much money you have. The required waiting time depends on how much money you pay, and it can be anywhere between 6 months up to 36 months in some cases