Biggest Mistake Business Owners Make


I see this all the time among business owners, most people get into business for the sole purpose of making money, missing the forest for the trees, but the most important thing to consider when starting a business is value.

What you doing better? How can you innovate and enlarge the market share, money is a proof you've offered value to your customers, so instead of focusing on making more money, you should be focused on creating more value for your customers.


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There is nothing wrong on starting a business for money, in fact 99.99 percent businesses are started for the sole purpose of making money. But the main thing is how are you making money from your business. You need to sell services or products. If your services and products are not valuable to your customers, you might not be able to sell and when there are no sales, you don't succeed. Sometimes even when you have good product, lack of marketing can cost you huge