Are You Over Staffed? How to Start Laying Off Your Extra Staff


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Over staffing is one of the major issues in a business. Over staffing can cause a lot of financial straining, therefore, if you are overstaffed, you can start laying off your staff. If you don’t do that, you will incur business liabilities. Sometimes you might not be overstaffed, but you still want to cut cost by laying off staff and add extra duties to the existing staff.Laying off staff can come as a great pressure and you might not know whom you should lay off and whom you should keep. One of the best ways to tackle this issue is by laying off entire staff, and ask them to reapply, you can then choose the best one.


Over staffing is a big problem a lot of problems face, most people do nothing of significance at their place of work, they just go to work and pretend they're working so that they can make a salary, and as a company grows, the management will assume they can solve each and every problem through hiring more hands.

Laying off staffs is mostly the way to go in such situations and also, new laws regarding hiring new employees, a business should only hire when it is absolutely crucial and they can justify the hiring with a significant effect to their revenue.