Are Online Universities Worth it At All?


There are a lot of online universities out there offering different courses and degrees, and due to this many students do not go to universities anymore, and what they do is to attend such universities and get their certificates and then move on, it is a good move especially if you're the busy type.

Most of these universities have options where you can study on your own, all you have to do is show up to a general session probably once a week, these kind of universities are way better than what's obtainable in our current educational system from method of learning to course contents.


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Well, I studied in a regular university and got a degree from a regular university, still it was really difficult for me to get a job. I really doubt that your degree from online university will actually be valued by the businesses and companies. Building skills and knowledge through online education and training is good but as far as getting a degree from online university, I do not think it has any use case in the real world. I believe short courses like diploma and certificates can be useful though