A Short Term Goal Takes How Long to Achieve?


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A short term is a target you want to accomplish in a very short time, often several days, weeks or up the most several months at the most. These goals are short-term in the sense that they can be achieved in a short span of time; therefore, it is easier to work for them as compared to long-term goals that may take several years before they can be achieved. Common examples of short term goals are finishing work assignments, training, saving for a target purchase. Having and attaining small-scale goals is productive and keeps the fire burning, to the extent of giving a feeling of achievement at some point. They also help build a path towards bigger and more lasting goals to be achieved and make progress possible without having to strive all at once for perfection. To sum it up, long-term targets are plans that make you good for the day and are easy to accomplish.

Monster Masterpiece

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You could split long objectives to small chunks so you are not bored but if you do big steps on the beginning it will work for one day or one week then you are tired and let fully the project.