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  1. Mika

    How to Make Money as a Custom Illustrator

    The OP seems to have missed the most obvious thing. If you want to make money as an illustrator, you need skills in illustration. You need ability to draw, sketch, illustrate, and paint. Secondly, you also need skills in design software like Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. You need skills to create...
  2. Mika

    Importance of Customer Feedback In a Business?

    Customer feedback is important but you need to focus on getting positive feedback and keep negative feedback minimal, if not zero. If you have a lot of positive feedback, it will build confidence on new customers to buy from you, if you have a lot of negative feedback your sales will hamper...
  3. Mika

    How To Start a Web Design Agency?

    I once worked in a web design company. It was a small company with a work force of 20 people. If you want to start a web design company, you need to have knowledge and skills in web design, you also need to have marketing skills, you need money to start the business and run the business for 4-6...
  4. Mika

    Is Copywriting a Lucrative Skill?

    Copywriting was a lucrative method to make money until recently, however, with the evolution of Generative AI tools, it is difficult to make money as a copywriter. People can easily generate copies from AI tools, so why would they pay copywriters such a hefty price. For instance, you can go to...
  5. Mika

    Is Collateral Mandatory for Loans

    The purpose of collateral is to secure your loan. Banks ask for collateral in order to get back their investment in a situation you cannot pay back. You can use land, house, gold, stocks, etc. as collateral when applying for a loan from banks. You also need to provide proof of income to convince...
  6. Mika

    Things to Remember While Getting a Loan

    When you want to get a loan, you need to know about a lot of things. One of the most important things is loan processing fees. No matter what kind of loan type you are applying for, whether it is a personal loan, business loan, home loan, etc. you will have to pay processing fees, which is...
  7. Mika

    How Not to Lose Investment When Market is Down

    Market is not always bullish, it also becomes bearish. Sometimes the bearish run goes for such a long time that it will be difficult to protect your investment. Therefore, you might lose money. As an investor, you need to control over your assets. Control your asset means do not panic sell. Loss...
  8. Mika

    The Importance of Saving For Personal Finance

    The primary purpose of making money is to live a comfortable life and also to contribute to the society. These things will happen only when you have managed to build savings. Without savings, will not only be difficult to face financial crisis and financial emergencies but it is also difficult...
  9. Mika

    How To Approach Job as an Entrepreneur?

    When you have your own business, you can of course become an employee in your own company. When you work for others, you only work in the department where you are employed, for instance, if you are in sales, you only work in sales department, you do not have to work in manufacturing department...
  10. Mika

    How To Start a Freelancing Business

    I am a freelancer but I do not freelance as a business, I freelance as an individual. However, I believe if you try, you can easily build a business around freelancing. First of all you need to hire freelancers as you will not be able to give all sorts of services and even if you can do...
  11. Mika

    3 Profitable Businesses to Start in 2024

    Social media management is something of interest for me. That's because over the last couple of years, I am trying to build my social media marketing skills. I am also a content creator on a lot of social sites. However, the major problem with this is getting paying clients. There is no much...
  12. Mika

    4 High-demand Businesses You Should Start

    These are no doubt high demand businesses, however, you also need to understand you will have to create a product or service to sell them. For instance, tech is high demand business but if you are not a techy guy how can you create product or services. You sure can hire people but you need to...
  13. Mika

    The Business of Reselling

    Do you know what is the easiest business and also least risky business is? Well, it is the business of reselling. When you manufacture products, you need to make significant investment in product development, manufacturing, and even marketing. However, when you buy products to sell them, you do...
  14. Mika

    How to Avoid Common Investment Mistakes

    Institutional investors or big investors can take risks as they have a lot of money and they have multiple assets and one of two failed investment will not make them hard. However, for people with small funds or small investors, it is not possible to take any chance. Therefore, they have to...
  15. Mika

    How to Profit From Urban Farming?

    Urban farming can be very profitable, you can either start small in your apartment, or get an old warehouse and start urban farming. Most urban farming methods do not require soil to grow, a lot of urban farming methods do not need big space. Generally speaking, it is expensive to grow in soil...
  16. Mika

    Is It Really East to Profit From Real Estate

    There are many benefits of investing in real estate, you can save money on rent, you can rent your house and generative passive income, or you can sell it for profit. However, before you invest in real estate you need to understand a couple of things. First, it costs a lot of money to buy...
  17. Mika

    How To Market Your Imported Products?

    The main idea behind marketing is to educate people about the product so that they will buy and you make profits. This is not as simple as it sounds. You will have to educate to only those people who are your true customers. Will you have sales if you promote to people who are not buying your...
  18. Mika

    How do You Start a Business?

    I have no intention of starting an offline business because it takes a lot of money and also a lot of hard work. If you cannot built it to generate sales, you might incur a lot of financial losses. Online business on the other hand does not take a lot of money to start, does not require a lot of...
  19. Mika

    How To Handle An Impulsive Spending Habits

    Creating a budget and sticking to your budget certainly helps you to cut your impulsive spending habit. However, this method will work only when you can control your emotion and have financial discipline. This method does not work for someone who cannot play by the rules Saving surplus money and...
  20. Mika

    How Much Money Can I Make on Upwork Monthly?

    I work on Upwork, it is the first online platform that actually paid me money. I earned $50 from my first contract but it took me 4 months of constant bidding on jobs to be able to get that contract. I also had to cut my rate by 50 percent to attract the client. The first job was hard but the...